2020 Mi-8AMT Transport 245 hours

Year: 2020
Total Time: 245
Helicopter resource: 18000
Helicopter overhaul life: 2000
Remaining resource: 17755
The remainder of the inter-repair resource: 1755

The Mi-8AMT transport helicopter is a versatile workhorse in the world of military and civilian aviation. Its robust and dependable design has made it a favorite among operators worldwide.


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The helicopter is powered by two engines, which provide excellent performance and a high level of safety. It has a cruising speed of up to 250 km/h and can carry up to 4,000 kg of cargo.

The Mi-8AMT has a range of over 1,000 km, making it ideal for transporting troops and supplies to remote areas. It can also be used as an air ambulance, with the ability to transport up to 12 stretchers and medical personnel.

One of the key features of the Mi-8AMT is its versatility. It can be equipped with a variety of weapons systems, including machine guns and rockets, making it an effective combat helicopter. It can also be fitted with firefighting equipment, making it useful in combating forest fires.

The helicopter’s spacious cabin can accommodate up to 24 passengers, making it a popular choice for commercial operations such as offshore oil and gas exploration. It can also be configured for VIP transport, with luxurious seating and amenities.

The Mi-8AMT’s rugged design makes it well-suited for operations in harsh environments. It can operate in temperatures ranging from -50C to +50C and can withstand gusts of wind up to 40 m/s.

The helicopter’s advanced avionics system includes a digital autopilot, weather radar, and satellite navigation. This allows for safe and efficient operation in all weather conditions.

In conclusion, the Mi-8AMT transport helicopter is a versatile and reliable aircraft that has proven itself in a wide range of applications. Its combination of performance, durability, and flexibility make it a valuable asset for military and civilian operators alike.