Air Freight of Oversized Cargo

Air Freight

Air Freight of Oversized Cargo

Delivery of heavy and oversized cargo to the airport, air freight of complex cargo and dangerous cargo.

Air freight of oversized cargo by plane is a difficult task for cargo aviation. When transporting such cargo, it is necessary to ensure the safety of the cargo itself, the safety of the aircraft, crew and airport services at the time of loading or unloading the aircraft. Air freight of oversized cargo is a multi-stage process that begins with the delivery of cargo to the airport, registration for the flight, coordination of airport services, loading of cargo into the aircraft, air freight to the destination airport, unloading of cargo from the aircraft, loading on the vehicle and delivery of cargo to The customer’s warehouse.

The choice of aircraft depends on the nature of the cargo and the flight distance. We will advise you on the details of air freight cargo and take care of all organizational formalitie.

When choosing an aircraft, it is necessary to take into account the overall dimensions of the loading and unloading hatch or cargo compartment of the aircraft, its maximum load-carrying characteristics. Thus, the choice of aircraft depends on the size of the cargo itself and the mass parameters.

We use aircraft of various modifications, medium-and long-haul aircraft that can carry cargo weighing up to 260,000 lb (120 tons) and up to 37,000 cubic ft (1,050 m3). Among the most frequently used are the Boeing 747 and an-124 Ruslan heavy long-range transport aircraft.

You can order a cargo Charter to EU countries, North and South America, USA, China, India, Turkey, Southeast Asia and Africa, UAE and others. We deliver cargo wherever an aircraft can land.

What We Offer

  • Assistance in choosing the aircraft of the required modification, organization of cargo charter flights on our own aircraft
  • Production of ramps for transportation of oversized cargo by air transport
  • Loading oversized and heavy cargo into the aircraft, securing the cargo
  • Transportation of heavy cargo weighing more than 80 kg
  • Transportation of bulky cargo with dimensions larger than the size of the loading and unloading hatch or cargo compartment of a passenger ship, bulky and heavy cargo of complex configuration with dimensions close to the dimensions of the cargo cabin, and with a mass close to the maximum load capacity of the aircraft
  • Transportation of dangerous goods, hazard classes from 1st to 9th
  • Export of bulky and heavy cargo weighing up to 250 tons from the destination airport
  • Protection and support of cargo during transportation

What Types of Aircraft We Use For Air Transportation of Oversized Cargo

Medium-haul transport aircraft – IL-76TD
Long-haul transport aircraft – Boeing 747-400F, Airbus A330-200F, AN-124 Ruslan
These planes carry any oversized cargo

Other Possibility

  • Rental of wheeled and tracked cranes, tower cranes
  • Delivery of wheeled and tracked cranes, tower cranes and auxiliary equipment to the job site
  • Declaration of export and import cargo, including temporary import/export, oversized and heavy cargo, according to classification solutions that allow the use of preferential customs duty rates
  • Export of equipment for processing outside the customs territory with re-import, including control of repaired equipment
  • Storage and consolidation of cargo arriving by air
  • Surveys, damage surveys, loading/unloading supervision

Where We Work

Eastern And Western Europe.
Africa, Oceania, North, Central and South America.
China and Southeast Asian countries.
Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Armenia, Georgia, Russia, Belarus.

Why Choose Us

Information support for private and corporate clients in the 24 – hour / 7-day mode
Analysis of the Customer’s business, development of individual logistics solutions
Personal account management, assigning an employee to a private and corporate client
Preparation of economic justifications, delivery schedules
Online broadcasts of work on the Customer’s smartphone, drone shooting, photo and video reports
Monitoring the movement of cargo (report tracking), reporting on the work performed
Individual payment schedule
Work during non-working hours, weekends and holidays at the request of the Customer

Air Freight of Oversized Cargo. Aircraft for Sale, Helicopters, Parts